Welcoming a New Year at West 11th Street Park

2020 has been a challenging year for us all. Changes both large and far reaching have impacted both us and your family. It has changed the way we function and impacted our social relationships.

The restorative power of green space has become more than important now than ever before as we have come to rely on our parks and green spaces to provide relief during this pandemic. Our parks now play a crucial role in our health by giving us the possibility for activity, rest and imagination.

This year the Friends of West 11th Street Park Board has continued to be committed to our mission in making your park the best in the city. We have adapted to changes throughout the years and this year while stressful was no different. The Board is looking forward to next year to continue to work for improvements in the park that will lead to a better quality of life for all those who use the park. Next year we will have trail improvement projects as well as continuing park maintenance that the City of Houston does not provide.

The one positive idea that this year has made clear to us all is the enormous value we get from going outdoors to reconnect with nature may that be by walking, relaxing or exercising.

Please support West 11th Street Park one last time in 2020.

May next year bring your and your family health and happiness. See you in the park.

Stay in Touch

We would love to hear from you! If you have a comment, question, or suggestion for us please drop us a line.

Also, in the event an incident or illegal activity is observed in the park, please call the City of Houston Park Ranger Dispatch at 832-395-7100 or the Houston Police at 911.